Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TT: 5 Rules To Have Clear Skin

Hello my Beauties!!!

  It's Tip Tuesday today! And I think today's tip is one of the most important... We will talk how to get clear skin with this 5 simple rules, or at least stay clear. Certain acne problems need medical attention, and I am not a doctor, so if it's your case I can not promise you 100% result, but it will help your skin  stay clear if you get there with medications. But if your breakouts are not that serious and you tried everything but nothing helps... Well, these rules could save your life! (ha ha, I hope your life doesn't actually depend on this)

5 Simple Rules:

  1. Wash your face 2 times a day. It might sound banal, but it is THE key to clear skin. And don't just wash for the sake of being squeaky clean, using anything you've got. You have to choose what's actually right for your skin. We all have different skin types, and it's extremely important to use what your skin needs, otherwise it will worsen. Personally, I have the worst skin I think, it's combo, normal, but can get extremely dry and very acne prone. Weird, I know, that's why I had to create my own soap for it. But if you are not so unlucky ( and I hope you are not), I still have some suggestions. For dry, sensitive skin I recommend Aveeno Calming Foaming Cleanser, I used it for years before finding my own recipie, it is extremely gentle, and does calm redness. Oily skin is usually also acne prone, therefore I suggest cleansers with salicylic acid. Normal, combo skin can use any gentle cleanser. After you wash your face, it is very important to moisturize, but that will be a separate post in future.
  2. Don't pick on your face. If you are one of those lucky people who never do it, then your life is even easier, you have only 4 rules to follow. But for the rest of us (including me), this is a very important rule to remember. Instead of picking, apply special medicated cream, it will sooth your mind about having something to pick on and will stop you from doing it. I strongly recommend treatment from, it worked wonders for me. 
  3. Eat healthy. Ok, you probably heard this advise too often. And the truth is, this simple rule could improve much more things than just skin. There is hundreds of articles online on this subject, I will give just few example of good food for skin: Berries: Most berries are rich of antioxidants.
    Broccoli: Has vitanim A and helps regenerate skin cells faster.
    Certain fish: It contains Omega3, "good fat" and helps reduce inflamation
    Lean red meat or eggs: Sourse of iron
  4. Exercise and drink water. I put this two together because personally I find it difficult to drink water just by itself. If you love drinking water, perfect! But you still have to exercise. Exercising makes you sweat all the nastiness away, pumps up your blood, and makes you feel great too! The best part is that you can choose any type of exercise, depending on your goal or like, it will always benefit to your skin.
  5. Let your skin breath. If you are wearing makeup and foundations every day of your life, then at least let your skin free at night. As I mentioned before, it is exetremely important to wash off all your makeup before going to bed. Even better, have some makeup free weekends, your skin will say thank you. Enjoy some relaxation at home or even better somewhere surrounded by nature. I am sure you can find some days when you don't need to wear makeup, take them as your skin weekends.

Just one last thing, it is known (and personally noticed) that stress worsen skin immensely. I can not invent a rule to stop stressing out, in our everyday life it is almost impossible. Just try to reduce your stress level, relax more, spend time with nature, especially when you have something extremely stressful going on.

Believe me, if you follow all these rules, your skin condition will improve significantly. I hope I helped!

See You Soon!


1 comment:

  1. wow! i didn't know the part about exercising!!!
    Thanks for the advices!!!
